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Throwing your first party

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Party is something awsome 

Everyone loves partying, that is why your store should be the host of a incredible party!
Either you have a small party or you throw a big party. Is it for friends & family, for you employees or is it a party for everyone?

Throwing a store party

Throwing a store party could be lots of fun, you can have the party on regular hours and invite people to come to your shop all day. You play loud music, treat friends and customers with champagne and goodies. If possible make sure youThrowing a privat party - It is a long established fact that a privat party is lots of fun, for thoose who are invited. Make sure that if you are throwing a private party in your store you better invite the friends that you really benifit from. Don't be an ass just because some people are not cool enough, but make sure that anyone you invite should be a person who will either buy something in your shop or help you create a buzz.

Open party in store

If you are throwing a party where everyone is invited make sure that this event will turn, if you are to have a party in the store make sure you promote it a couple of days before. Do have it in the daytime - so this day will be long, you have to prepare everything day/night before cause will have to open up early, do not make this event boring, you might only have one chance to make new friends. Make sure the event is well planned and have fun features and that it could help with team building for your staff. If you think "outside the box" you can be creative and give the party a meaning.

Be sure to make and get contacts

Have something on hand that captures attendee contacts such as business cards, telephone number or email-adress. Make sure you get the contact information so you can invite him/her to your next party, next sale, new website, to get % off on e-commerce, or when you get new products in store.

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